Relax and Unwind...

A stay at Maison Voie Verte is the perfect way to get away from it all. Our rooms are furnished for comfort and convenience, featuring en-suite facilities as standard, a communal kitchen and dining room with all the appliances you could need, and an outdoor seating area with sumptuous views of the surrounding French countryside.


A Taste of France...

Breakfast is equally superb. We serve a full continental with tea or coffee, featuring locally-produced croissants from Normandy itself, a selection of home-made jams and marmalades sourced from the region, and if that's not enough, the nearby shops have a wide variety of traditional French breakfast treats: butters, creams, and all the indulgent French cuisine you could ask for.

Of course, the experience doesn't stop there. Beyond breakfast the local area has a number of cafés serving all manner of local delicacies. Crusty French bread straight from the oven, Calvados apple brandy straight from the bottle, and to top-it-off an almost endless supply of the freshest eggs and milk you've ever seen, all from local farms.


Explore Normandy...

At the side of the building there is ample parking for recreational vehicles and large trailers. We also have secure storage for bicycles or other outdoor equipment. All of Bion can be accessed on foot along woodland trails and winding cobbled streets. The nearby towns of Mortain and St-Hilaire-du-Harcouët both have excellent services and attractions, while the slightly more distant Domfront has everything: shops, tourism, historical monuments and more.

Maison Voie Verte is also located in one of the largest national parks in France, the Parc naturel régional Normandie-Maine. On all sides you are surrounded by picturesque countryside, rolling hills, vineyards, orchards, farms, castles, chateaux, babbling brooks and surging waterfalls.

Of course, the list of historical monuments in Normandy is practically endless, but a fairly comprehensive list can be found at the official Normandy tourism website.

Perfect for Adventure...

Maison Voie Verte is a great destination for those who prefer life off the beaten path. Not only is the surrounding landscape some of the most beautiful in the world, but it is ideal for grand cycling tours, as the roads are pristine and the rest stops are numerous. Adjacent to the property is the Voie Verte, for which we are named. A tree-lined path that encircles the region, connecting all of the major landmarks with sun-dappled journeys of no more than a few miles each time. A full tour will take roughly an afternoon, and with smooth gradients and paved surfaces, it is ideal for experienced cyclists and families alike. Shaded, varied, and as picturesque as you can imagine, this is one of the best ways to explore Normandy, and it's right on our doorstep. Literally.

Why Wait?

Room prices include a full continental breakfast and access to all the Maison Voie Verte facilities. Whether you stay for just a day or more, you'll feel right at home here in the heart of Normandy. See our Reservations page to book yourself a room, or Contact Us to discover more information about your next favourite holiday destination: Maison Voie Verte.